• Address: Tashkent, Yakkasaray district, st. Imam At-Termiziy 60
  • Phone: +998712544027
  • Email: gdmeco.uz@gmail.com

Korean experience is used in the introduction of green technologies

"GDM ECO" specializes in the field of environmental protection at the local and international level, and is engaged in the production, installation and design of air pollution control equipment for industrial enterprises.

At the meeting, mutual opinions were exchanged on improving the efficiency of the Sulfur Extraction Unit in the Ethylene Production Unit of the complex and directing the water in the Sewage Treatment Unit to secondary use.

It should be noted that in recent years complex measures have been consistently implemented at the Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex to create a "Green Belt" around the complex, to use industrial waste for secondary purposes, and to create favorable conditions for improving the quality of sanitation and environmental conditions, Uzbekneftgaz JSC reports. press service based on the information of "Shortan Gas Chemical Complex" LLC.